Keep Your Dog Fit for National Canine Fitness Month

Cedar Lane Kennels - Keep Your Dog Fit for National Canine Fitness Month

April is National Canine Fitness Month, so it’s the perfect time to get your dog moving. If you’ve been looking for an excuse to ramp up your furry friend’s routine, ‘spring’ into action with these five tips:

1. Walking

The most commonly recommended exercise to improve fitness is walking, according to the American Kennel Club. It’s considered a safe activity that improves muscular strength, circulation, memory, and weight loss, and it increases energy, helps with sleep, and reduces stress. Watch for a variety of dog walk challenges in April through the American Cancer Society!

2. Fetch

Fetch is a fun activity that comes naturally to many dogs, while others can be taught this rewarding skill. The AKC recommends shaking up your furry friend’s fetch routine by alternating between a variety of toys, such as balls, plush toys, or rope toys.

3. Agility

Agility training is an exhilarating way to exercise with your dog. You can easily make your own canine agility course at home, using common obstacles like tunnels, weaves, and jumps. Place a broom or other pole between two chairs to create a jump, making sure to keep the jump height low during the training phase. To create a tunnel, place a blanket over two chairs spaced a ways apart and teach your furry friend to run between the chairs under the blanket. You can also create tunnels with large cardboard boxes.

4. Obedience

While obedience work might not seem like exercise at first glance, practicing recall, retrieving, and reinforcing basic commands offers mental stimulation, as well as exercise.

5. Pet Playtime

Pets who board with Cedar Lane Kennels are treated to epic playtimes! Cedar Lane offers individually-tailored playtimes, as well as one-on-one fetch, soccer, treasure hunt, and agility games.

Call (630) 969-1198 today to learn more about Cedar Lane Kennel’s boarding and playtime services.

For additional information, please contact:

Cedar Lane Kennels: 6901 Dunham Road : Downers Grove, IL 60516 : 630.969.1198 :

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