Misinformation About Long-Term Care Planning

Thinking about a longevity plan is top of mind for many people today.

Your retirement savings must last a long time and you may be concerned about your future lifestyle and how that could be impacted by your need for Long-Term Care.

There is a lot of misinformation about Long-Term Care and Long-Term Care insurance, so it’s important to receive the facts from a specialist in Long-Term Care.

“Too many financial advisors and general insurance agents are lacking in their knowledge about how the products work, how they are underwritten and the price. Most are unaware of the Long-Term Care Partnership program which provides those with qualified Long-Term Care policies with additional dollar-for-dollar asset protection,” said Matt McCann, a nationally known Long-Term Care specialist.

McCann shared recent examples of consumers being told monthly premiums would cost as much as $800.

“Most of my clients get a Long-Term Care Insurance policy when they are in their 40′s and 50′s. The premiums are usually under $150 a month, depending on their health and the amount of benefits applied for. The fact is Long-Term Care insurance is very affordable for most people, but you can’t wait until you are 80 and in poor health,” McCann said.

There are several options these policies offer including shared benefits for couples, hybrid plans which offer additional death benefits and even shorter duration plans that provide basic benefits. A Long-Term Care specialist can help design an appropriate plan based on your individual situation.

“It is not a product that you just have one or two options; they are custom designed. This is a big benefit for the consumer since they can customize their benefits based on their needs, concerns and budget,” McCann said.

As a Long-Term Care specialist, McCann helps people nationwide using his unique process where they speak with him on the phone while seeing his computer screen on their computer. He works with all the major companies in Long-Term Care.

You can find your state’s cost of care and availability of tax incentives and partnership plans here: https://www.ltcnews.com/resources/state-information.

McCann recommends several reference websites for research:

LTC News offers articles and resources: www.ltcnews.com

US Department of Health and Human Services: https://longtermcare.acl.gov/

Free LTC Quotes: www.quoteonltc.com

McCann’s website also features several outstanding resources.

McCann Insurance Services: 866.751.7957: www.mccannltc.net